
Teach you to tell if rubber products are true or false

       As we all know, many common things in life are really fake. Whether it is clothes or bags, food, or even rubber products, there are real and false ones. If we don't pay attention, we will be deceived. Today, Runte Rubber and Plastics as a rubber product manufacturer will bring you to identify the true and false.

      The real rubber product is just the opposite of the fake silicone rubber. Its toughness and elasticity are very good. It is not easy to deform due to external force. There will be a layer of grease-like substance on the surface layer, so it feels smooth when touched. It is a non-toxic and tasteless product. There is no harm to the human body, and the surface of the silicone rubber is easy to stick to lighter impurities such as dust and hair.
        In terms of characteristic feel, the toughness and flexibility of the silicone product are very good, it is not easy to be permanently deformed by external force, and the hand feels smoother, and the fake silicone product is easily deformed, and the touch is relatively rough. Because the surface of the counterfeit silicone rubber does not have a layer of grease.

      1, the fake silicone belt is easy to deform, and the real silicone rubber will feel good rebound, and the tear deformation is relatively small.
      2. There is a smooth surface of the sand surface. If the surface layer is not specially treated, it will feel smoother when touched, because there will be a layer of oily substance on the surface layer.

     3, the surface of the silica gel is easy to stick dust, hair and other impurities.



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