
Analysis of the color change problem of stretched stretch film

Stretch film is a kind of packaging method that we often see in our life. It is of great value in food and medicine. It is known to everyone who stretches the film, but why is the color of it yellow? The following orientflex stretch film manufacturers tell you in detail.

In fact, strictly speaking, the stretched film is only colorless and color. The yellowish color is mainly caused by additives such as dov, color masterbatch or processing technology. If the color is light, the stretch rate and self-adhesiveness are not affected. If the color is not natural, the general quality will be very poor.

Stretched film development to today's production process is very mature, some stretch film manufacturers will try to change the formula to produce different properties of stretch film, mainly reflected in three aspects: color, stretch and self-adhesive, single color The change does not necessarily affect the use of the stretched film. It is known that many times the melt temperature of the process is set to cause a change in the color of the stretched film, but it does not affect the transparency. This is a good stretch film if stretched. The rate and self-adhesive properties are degraded, which is a poor stretch film, which may be mixed with impurities.

If the color of the stretched film is light yellow, but the transparency, stretch rate, self-adhesiveness have not changed, and there is no odor, it can be used. If the four indicators change, do not use it again.



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