
Introduction to the processing of matting film

1-1 In order to obtain a uniform rough surface, that is, a matte surface, the thickness of the matte surface layer must be ensured, the minimum allowable thickness value is related to the die structure, the thickness distribution uniformity of the melt flow section in the die and the laminar flow of the multilayer material The state of the composite smoothness determines the uniformity of the thickness distribution of the matting material. In order to ensure that the matte layer completely covers the BOPP surface, the thickness of the matte surface layer is recommended as follows:

When the total thickness of the film is greater than 15 μm, the thickness of the surface layer is generally 2.3 to 2.6 μm;
When the total thickness of the film is 12~15μm, the thickness of the surface layer is ≥2μm.

1-2 The matte surface of the single-face matt film should be placed on the air knife surface instead of the chill roll surface. The temperature of the cooling roll and the water tank can be appropriately higher, such as about 30 °C.

1-3 Extrusion filter with 80 to 100 molybdenum, extrusion temperature is slightly higher than the general homopolymer PP 5~15 °C. For example, the feed section is 210 ° C, and the other sections are 245 ° C.

1-4 The longitudinal stretching ratio is about 4.8:1, and the longitudinal stretching temperature is similar to that of the random copolymer as the surface layer, such as a stretching zone of 125 ° C ± 5 ° C.

1-5 matt film formulations can be divided into three categories:

Packaging and compound packaging matte film:

Matting layer (air knife surface): matting masterbatch 100% 2.5μm
Core layer: HOPP 97%+ antistatic masterbatch 3% 13 ~ 15μm
Bright layer (adhesive roll surface): HOPP 98% + open masterbatch 2% 0.8μm
Corona treatment is generally in the bright layer (composite surface). The matte surface can also be corona treated if desired, but flame treatment is not possible. The surface resistance of the film must be less than 1012 Ω.

Invisible adhesive tape matte film:

Matting layer: matting masterbatch 100% 2μm
Core layer: HOPP 100% 24μm
Matting layer: matting masterbatch 100% 2μm
Single-sided corona treatment. In addition, the coated surface can also be made into a glossy surface.

Imitation paper film:

Matting layer: matting masterbatch 100% 2μm
Core layer: HOPP 70%+ pearlescent masterbatch 10%+ white masterbatch 20% 46μm
Matting layer: matting masterbatch 100% 2μm

In addition, when one of the matte surfaces is made into a glossy surface, a single-sided imitation paper film can be obtained.



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