
My product was returned because PVC pellets are not stored well.

PVC plastic pellets are inexpensive, highly effective, environmentally friendly and non-polluting, and are widely used in agriculture and industry. However, after many manufacturers purchase PVC plastic pellets, the quality of PVC pellets is degraded due to some mistakes in the transportation and storage process, and the production of unqualified PVC products causes a large amount of unnecessary losses. Today, Runte Rubber & Plastics is a professional PVC manufacturer to teach you how to transport and store PVC plastic pellets.

Store PVC plastic pellets

First choose a cool, ventilated location. Keep away from direct sunlight in a cool place to avoid fading after prolonged exposure to sunlight or quality problems. The ventilated place can effectively prevent the material from getting wet. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, so it is easy to produce moisture. Once the PVC plastic particles are damp, its quality will be greatly affected, so choose a cool and ventilated place. In addition, the preparation of fire prevention and anti-corrosion also needs to be done. Therefore, it is very important to prepare some fireproof materials in the storage room where PVC plastic particles can be stored. At the same time, it is possible to stay away from the fire source and prevent it from happening.

Transport PVC plastic pellets

When PVC plastic is transported by granules by PVC plastic granule manufacturers, sun protection should be done. The summer sun is strong, and the PVC plastic particles are exposed to sunlight for a long time, and it is easy to appear brittle and other quality degradation. Therefore, in the transportation of the manufacturer, the plastic granules can be covered with canvas or the like, or the transport vehicle with the carriage can be selected, so that the PVC granule product can be protected to a large extent.

In summary, in the process of PVC transportation and storage, it is necessary to do a good job of protection to ensure the quality of PVC particles, so as to produce high quality PVC products.



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